The Walking Dead: No Man's Land Wiki


You choose 3 survivors (sometimes only 2, occasionally only 1) and you move them in missions facing enemies (walkers & humans).
You can recruit new survivors using the Radio Tent (see buildings for more info).

You can recruit new survivors in the main story via rescue missions. Note: this is now capped to a lower level making the rescue hard, and survivors useless.

Survivors have traits.

(Deadly missions were removed from the game. Probably around update 2.2?) Deadly missions cannot be done without having 6 survivors, make sure to have 6 or more Survivors Slots.
If you retire a survivor you do not lose the equipment it has on.

To keep control over how fast players can advance in the game there is a cap on survivor level, thus a survivor has the maximum final level 20 (as of update 1.6). Prior to update 1.6 you could get a survivor with a current level 18 or 19 (being over the cap) in rescue missions, this is now limited to 16 (or possibly the training ground limit) which stirred a bit of a controversy. The rescue stats below still include the original rescues for reference.

Hero-specific details at Hero survivors.



Hand to hand combat. They use one handed melee weapons like knives, screwdrivers, and hatchets.

High damage to single target. Low HP. Swift Strike weapon trait grants up to 15% chance for a free AP. Adding Luck can increase this change, to a total of 45%  (15 for swift gold, 15x2 for luck gold on weapon and on survivor traits). Charge ability take 2 kills to charge the Brain stab. Brain stab is an automatic critical hit. Very good for killing armored zombies.

Stars normal


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25


Legendary stars


Level Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health
1 40 66 43 72 79 55 92
2 51 85 56 93 61 101 71 118
3 59 98 64 107 70 117
4 67 109 73 119 80 130
5 75 120 82 131 89 143 97 155 104 167
6 84 130 92 142 100 155 109 168 117 181
7 93 139 102 152 111 166 120 180 130 194
8 113 164 123 179 133 194 144 209
9 116 164 127 180 139 196 150 213 162 229
10 132 181 145 199 158 217 171 235 184 253
11 152 202 167 222 182 242 197 262 212 282
12 177 229 194 251 212 274 230 297 247 394
13 207 262 227 288 248 314 269 340 289 366
14 246 303 270 333 295 363 319 393 344 424
15 323 391 352 427 382 462 411 498
16 461 549 496 592
17 606 712
18 585 681 744 867

Episode 1[]

You start the game with 3 Scout 1* 1/3 Lv

Episode 2[]

You can recruit a Scout 2* 3/7 Lv in Episode 2-6

You can recruit a Scout 2* 6/10 Lv in Episode 2-6 HARD

You can recruit a Scout 2* 9/13 Lv in Episode 2-6 NIGHTMARE

Episode 5[]

You can recruit a Scout 2* 6/10 Lv in Episode 5-3

You can recruit a Scout 2* 9/13 Lv in Episode 5-3 HARD

You can recruit a Scout 2* 13/17 Lv in Episode 5-3 NIGHTMARE

Episode 12[]

You can recruit a Scout 2* 14/18 Lv in Episode 12-3 (468DAM 489HP)

You can recruit a Scout 2* 15/19 Lv in Episode 12-3 HARD (in patch 1.7)

You can recruit a Scout 2* xx/xx Lv in Episode 12-3 NIGHTMARE



Hand to hand combat. They use two handed melee weapons like bats, fire axes, and giant wrenches. Low damage, High HP.

Regular attacks usually cause a single turn stun if the walker is not stun resistant (e.g. heavy walkers). Since v1.5 any body shot will not stun (as reported in forum) so beware when meeting a high level walker.

Some weapon traits extends stun by one turn. Bruiser with retaliate can theoretically stun two targets per turn. Attacks against stunned walkers causes an automatic critical hit until zombies are +2 of your level. After that you may get a critical, or you may end up with a body shot.

Charge ability needs 2 kills to charge Smash attack which hits a circle around the targeted zombie location, potentially stunning up to 8 zombies.

Stars normal


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25


Legendary stars


Level Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health
1 15 106 16 116 19 137
2 20 137 21 150 25 178 27 191
3 24 155 26 170 28 185 31 201
4 28 172 30 189 33 206 36 223 39 240
5 33 187 36 205 39 224 42 243 46 261
6 38 201 41 221 45 241 49 261 53 281
7 43 212 47 233 51 254 55 275 60 296
8 54 249 59 272 64 295
9 58 244 63 268 69 292 75 317 81 341
10 68 266 74 292 81 319 88 345 95 372
11 81 293 89 322 97 351 105 380 113 410
12 115 392 124 425 134 457
13 126 405 137 442 149 479 160 516
14 180 548 194 590
15 219 635 236 684
16 269 746 289 803
17 332 889 358 957
18 445 1154
20 789 1,516

Episode 6[]

You can recruit a Bruiser 2* 7/11 Lv in Episode 6-2. (we have one player reporting 6/10 what yours?)

You can recruit a Bruiser 2* 10/14 Lv in Episode 6-2 HARD

You can recruit a Bruiser 2* 13/17 Lv in Episode 6-2 NIGHTMARE (145DAM 458HP)



Hunter class has low health, but excels against crowds. Range combat (each shot attract 1 walker in the wave). They attack every walkers in a range 7 tiles long and weapon traits can make it wider. Charge ability take 3 kills for a Critical Attack, where the shot becomes a guaranteed critical hit.

Stars normal


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25


Legendary stars


Level Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health
1 30 66 32 72 35 79 41 92
2 42 93 46 101 50 110
3 46 98 50 107 55 117 59 127
4 58 119 63 130 68 141 74 152
5 67 131 73 143 79 155 85 167
6 69 130 82 155 89 168 96 181
7 78 139 85 152 93 166 101 180 109 194
8 89 150 97 164 106 179 115 194 124 209
9 102 164 112 180 122 196 132 213 142 229
10 118 181 129 199 141 217 153 235 165 253
11 138 202 151 222 165 242 179 262 193 282
12 162 229 178 251 194 274 210 297 226 320
13 212 288 231 314 250 340 270 366
14 277 363 300 393 323 424
15 306 391 334 427 362 462 390 498
16 373 465 441 549 475 592
17 543 661 585 712

Episode 1[]

You can recruit a Hunter 2* 1/5 Lv in Episode 1-7



Shooter class has medium health and excels against single targets. Range combat (each shot attract 1 walker). Range is 4 tiles (can be 5, 6 or 7 with some weapons traits). Charge ability take 2 kills to charge the Free Attack that grants a bonus shot that doesn't attract walkers and will always be a critical hit. The second shot is a normal one.

Stars normal


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25


Legendary stars


Level Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health
1 55 125
2 66 150
3 50 107
4 67 131 80 175 93 204
5 106 173 104 222
6 84 171 92 188 100 205 117 239
7 102 199 111 217 120 235 130 253
8 113 213 123 232 133 252 144 271
9 116 210 127 230 139 251 150 272
10 132 229 145 251 158 274 171 297 184 320
11 152 253 167 278 182 303 197 328 212 354
12 177 282 194 310 212 338 230 366 247 394
13 227 350 248 382 269 414 289 446
14 270 402 295 439 319 475 344 512
15 323 467 352 509 382 552 411 594
16 461 651 496 701
17 562 776 606 835
20 1,003 1,084

Episode 4[]

You can recruit a shooter 2* 6/10 LV in Episode 4-7

You can recruit a shooter 2* 9/13 LV in Episode 4-7 HARD

You can recruit a shooter 2* 12/16 LV in Episode 4-7 NIGHTMARE

Episode 13[]

You can recruit a shooter 3* 8/14 LV in Episode 13-5

You can recruit a shooter 2* x/x LV in Episode 13-5 HARD

You can recruit a shooter 2* x/x LV in Episode 13-5 NIGHTMARE



Hand to hand combat, area damage. They use two handed swords. Very useful for finishing off clustered up zombies. Attack all walkers in a 135o circle around the warrior.

High damage. High HP. Regular attack hits an 135o arc around the warrior, centered on the attacked walker. Weapons with wide arc trait can target up to 270o making it hit every tile around the warrior except the one immediately behind him/her.

Charge ability take 3 kills to charge and gives a Bonus Attack, allowing you to move/attack a second time (one AP worth). Note: Neither attack will be a guaranteed critical hit.

Stars normal


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25


Legendary stars


Level Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health
1 41 125
4 63 175 74 204
5 85 222
6 69 171 82 205 96 239
7 85 199 93 217 101 235 109 253
8 97 213 106 232 115 252 124 271
9 102 210 112 230 122 251 132 272 142 293
10 118 229 129 251 141 274 153 297 165 320
11 138 253 151 278 165 303 179 328 193 354
12 162 282 178 310 194 338 210 366 226 394
13 193 319 212 350 231 382 250 414 270 446
14 231 366 277 439 300 475 323 512
15 306 467 334 509 362 552 390 594
16 373 551 407 601 441 651 475 701
17 418 597 543 776 585 835
20 957 1,255

Episode 7[]

You can recruit a warrior 2* 9/13 LV in Episode 7-6

You can recruit a warrior 2* 12/16 LV in Episode 7-6 HARD

You can recruit a warrior 2* 15/19 LV in Episode 7-6 NIGHTMARE

Episode 11[]

You can recruit a warrior 2* 13/17 LV in Episode 11-3

You can recruit a warrior 2* 16/20 LV in Episode 11-3 HARD

You can recruit a warrior 2* 19/23 LV in Episode 11-3 NIGHTMARE Note: this is now capped to a lower level.



Assault class has high health and excels against crowds. Range combat (each shot attracts 1 walker). They attack all walkers in a 60o cone 4 tiles long (weapons can make the cone 75o, 90o or 105o wide). Charge ability takes 3 kills and stuns every walker (except heavy walkers) in the cone. Note that attacks against stunned walkers will always be critical hits.

Stars normal


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 05


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 10


Фото 08.12.15, 11 05 25


Legendary stars


Level Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health Attack Health
5 55 251
6 45 194 53 232 58 252 62 271
7 56 225 61 245 66 266 71 286
8 62 240 68 262 74 284 79 306
9 65 236 71 259 77 283 84 306 90 330
10 75 258 82 283 89 309 97 335 104 361
11 88 284 96 312 105 340 114 369 123 397
12 103 317 113 348 123 380 133 412 144 443
13 122 358 134 393 146 429 158 465 170 501
14 160 450 175 491 189 532 204 573
15 193 523 228 618 246 666
16 215 560 236 615 279 727 300 783
17 289 733 341 867 368 933
18 454 1128

Episode 9[]

You can recruit a Assault 2* 11/15 LV in Episode 9-6

You can recruit a Assault 2* 14/18 LV in Episode 9-6 HARD (197DAM 514HP)

You can recruit a Assault 2* 17/20 LV in Episode 9-6 NIGHTMARE (289 dmg 733 hp) HARD Note: this is now capped to a lower level.
